How to spot nappy discomfort

You can often quickly detect nappy discomfort by looking for these effects:

  • A slight redness in the nappy area (This tends not to affect the skin folds.)
  • Your baby’s bottom and upper thighs can become red and moist
  • Skin can also become sore, spotty and hot to touch
  • Patches of dry, flaky skin may also develop
  • In more severe cases, blisters and pus filled spots may appear.


Baby’s skin can be protected, soothed and moisturised from nappy discomfort by applying Sudocrem® Nappy Cream at every nappy change.


Types of nappy discomfort

While you might think that nappy discomfort is all the same, there are actually three main types of nappy discomfort:


1. Normal nappy discomfort

The most common occurrence of nappy discomfort is when the skin looks red and sore, and can almost appear shiny. This is usually caused by your baby’s bottom being in contact with a dirty nappy for a prolonged period or if the baby has a bout of diarrhoea. It is often the combination of wee and poo which causes the most irritation. Mild nappy discomfort should disappear after a few days of following the steps above — sometimes it can go over night.


2. Fungal nappy discomfort

Different types of nappy discomfort require different treatments. A fungal nappy discomfort is a form of thrush and treatment is often an anti-fungal cream which your GP will need to prescribe. This should be applied thinly to the affected area. The fungal rash shows as tiny red spots and the genitals can appear swollen and can sometimes occur if your baby is on antibiotics. It is important that, if the nappy discomfort is fungal, avoid your usual barrier cream as this can make the condition worse. If you are unsure, seek advice from your doctor or healthcare professional.


3. Bacterial nappy discomfort

A bacterial nappy discomfort shows as infected spots or pimples and your baby is likely to have a fever. It can develop from a normal nappy discomfort when the skin has broken and an infection has developed because of bacteria entering the broken skin. This type of nappy discomfort may well need antibiotics so you should see your doctor for treatment advice as soon as possible.

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist or if there are side effects please consult your healthcare professional.